Medication Services

Whatever your medication needs, Ashwell Home Care Services can be there to support you. A change in circumstances can sometimes mean that we can be overwhelmed with the amount of medication that we have to take, some before food, some after food, some daily and others once a week. Medication plays a huge part of our health, whether we like taking them or not, and taking them in the right way and at the right time is so important and the consequences of not taking them can have negative and sometimes serious effects on our health. The technology that we use allows us to be notified immediately if a planned medication is missed or refused and to address any issues that may arise from this.

Our Care Companions can ensure that you are taking your medication when you are supposed to and record that this is done to prevent any missed doses. We can contact GP surgeries to make appointments on your behalf or deal with prescription queries and re-orders you may have.

We can deal with hospital/outpatient appointments on your behalf and if needed could accompany you on these appointments. We can collect prescriptions from the pharmacy if you are unable to collect them.

We will ensure that our Care Companions use the safest possible practices when supporting you with your medication. We can assist with unwanted or unused medicines on your behalf by taking them to the pharmacy for safe disposal.

Although we are not allowed to deal with nursing procedures (injections, complex dressings etc) we can liaise closely with district and community nurses and GP surgeries to work in a collaborative way which gives you the care and support you need.

The impact of poor oral health, hearing and eyesight care on the quality of the lives of older people is easy to underestimate. At Ashwell Home Care Services, we can assist with making appointments and accompanying you to attend these so that your overall health is maintained.